Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Dangers of Excess Abdominal Fat

Not only is Stubborn Abdominal Fat Ugly
but it is also a serious Risk Factor for your Health.

If you are not motivated yet to do something about your excess abdominal fat then I hope this informaton will do it.

Your abdominal area has 2 types of fat.
subcutaneous fat
- Cover ups your abs from being visible.
- Lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle.
Visceral fat
-Fat that lies beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs.
-Both types of fat are very dangerous for your health.

Visceral fat and subcutaneous fat increase the risk of ….
- Stroke
- Heart diseases
- diabetes
- High blood pressure.
- various forms of cancers
- Sleep apnea.

If you really care about the quality of your life reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your top priorities.

Here are some excellent articles to read written by Mike Geary author from the Truth about Abs programme.

The extreme Health Dangers of extreme Abdominal Fat.
Do you really need cardio exercises
Does Diet soda makes you fat?

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