Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Foods to fight belly fat

Foods that will help you to lose belly fat. Sounds unbelievable to you, well in fact do
not be surprised there are foods that you can, no that you must eat if you want to get a
flat stomach.

1) Broccoli
You need to eat broccoli because it contains only 1,1 carbohydrate per hundred
grams, after fiber subtracted

Broccoli is also a great source of fiber and proteins.

2) Oatmeal
If there is one ultimate breakfast cereal then it has to be oatmeal. Not only will
oatmeal help you to reduce belly fat but it also helps to fight cancer and diabetes.

No another reason why oatmeal is such a great breakfast is because off the level of
carbohydrates. 100 gr oatmeal contains 67gr carbs. It is always best to consume your
carbohydrates in the morning. Carbs are the fuel of your body, they give you energy.

3) Potatoes
White and red potatoes have earned an undeserved reputation as a food to avoid on a
fat loss programme. But potatoes are an awesome food to fight belly fat.

Potatoes are a complex carb, are all natural, they contain fiber, vitamins and minerals,
they are filling and last but not least they are low in calories.

But it becomes a whole different story if the potato is loaded with butter or sour
cream. However you can’t go wrong if you eat it dry or top it with butter sprinkles or
a vinaigrette.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Buttocks exercises for women

Doing traditional fat loss exercises will do very little to give you a firm butt. If
your butt is shaggy you will need to work on it. In this post you will find 3
amazing buttocks exercises women will like. Keep in mind reading about
fitness improvement is good but you need to take action as well.

1) Step-ups
The step-up is probably one of the best exercises you can do to build a firm
toned butt. If you are a women with lower body cellulite they are very
beneficial for you because they don’t only burn fat but they tighten and tone
the quads and hamstring as well

To increase the intensity and effectiveness of this buttocks toning workout
train with some free weights or kettlebells.

2) Lunges
Lunges are a killer workout to train your butt and thighs. You can do static
lunges or reverse lunges.

Lunges will workout three muscle groups in your body. Gluteus maximus,
quadriceps and hamstrings.

3) Jumping squat
Do you want to shape and tone up your butt then it’s the jumping squat
definitely an exercise you need to do.

In order to do the jumping squat there are a great amount of equipment you
can choose from. Using barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, and weight
vests are all fine.

Stop waste your valuable time on doing butt workouts that do not deliver
Click here right now and discover 5 secrets about your butt you probably did
not know.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Get Abs Like Jessica Alba - 2 secret Strategies Magazines Are Not Telling You

If it's your goal to have a body like Jessica alba in 2010 and a flat stomach like
celebrities then this article will help you how to achieve it. But first of all let get very clear about two major rules you need to follow.
1) The secret to get a body like Jessica alba can't be found in diet pills or quick
(starvation) diets.
2) Information in itself is knowledge, but applied information is power.

Flat stomach tip 1: Eat more, lose more stubborn body fat
Starving yourself does not work to lose the fat. Yes it's true the first days or even
weeks you will lose some weight on the scale. But the scale in your bathroom or
kitchen is an inefficient tool to keep track of your process.

An ordinary weight loss scale does not tell you if you have lost real body fat or just a
loss of water weight or even muscle loss. To achieve a flat stomach like Jessica alba
you need to eat at least four or even five healthy but small meals per day. Keep in
mind that a piece of fruit or even a healthy snack is not a meal. A real meal should
contain all macronutrients

Flat stomach tip 2: To much focus on the abs while working out
Hundred crunches and hundred sit-ups and still not a flat belly? A low body fat level
is the key to get a hot stomach like a celebrity. Target abdominal exercises will not
help you to achieve your goals.

They may help you to strengthen your abs a little bit but this is not a fat loss exercise.
In order to get female abs like Jessica alba it is important to do full body workouts
and weight training exercises. No not the kind of weight training exercises that body
builder are doing but if you want to see real world results invest at least in some

But hey i have some great news for you.
Click here and receive not 1 but 3 free but very valuable fitness gifts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Dangers of Excess Abdominal Fat

Not only is Stubborn Abdominal Fat Ugly
but it is also a serious Risk Factor for your Health.

If you are not motivated yet to do something about your excess abdominal fat then I hope this informaton will do it.

Your abdominal area has 2 types of fat.
subcutaneous fat
- Cover ups your abs from being visible.
- Lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle.
Visceral fat
-Fat that lies beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs.
-Both types of fat are very dangerous for your health.

Visceral fat and subcutaneous fat increase the risk of ….
- Stroke
- Heart diseases
- diabetes
- High blood pressure.
- various forms of cancers
- Sleep apnea.

If you really care about the quality of your life reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your top priorities.

Here are some excellent articles to read written by Mike Geary author from the Truth about Abs programme.

The extreme Health Dangers of extreme Abdominal Fat.
Do you really need cardio exercises
Does Diet soda makes you fat?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Exercising for belly fat loss - 5 reasons you don't have a flat stomach yet

Run a half hour on a treadmill switch to a bycicling machine do some sit-ups and push ups and you have just lost another minute of your life.

Here are 5 exercising rules you need to understand
use them lose belly fat and finally get a flat stomach.

1)Boring cardio is not effective to lose belly fat fast
Running on a treadmill will not give you the desired results.
This exercise is just to low in intensity for effective fat burning.
You need to switch to high intensity training such as sprinting and HIIT training.

2) Pick up some dumbbells.
Weight training is one of the best exercises for fast fat loss and to become in the best shape of your life. Do this for a few weeks and you will become leaner then ever. And no I guarantee you that you will not look like a female bodybuilder. But I can guarantee you that weight lifting is the key to your desired body.

3) Pusch-ups and sit-ups are not effective..
It's true they are the least effective method to get a flat stomach.
Most believe believe that they have to do ab specific exercises and indeed most people still look the same like a few months ago.

4)Full body exercises are the way to go.
But do full body exercises and see your body improving week by week.
Full body workouts burn plenty of calories with full body workouts you will have to go to the gym three times a week maximum.

5)Not having copy of Truth About Abs.
200,000 people in over 200 countries have improved their body with the
Truth about abs programme.
It is the best fitness programme in the world as long as you take action.
It has dozens of workouts and a lot of nutrition information.
Oh and by the way Mike Geary the creator gives out a lot of free stuff as well.
Get some free body transforming information by clicking here.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

If you are a women who struglles to lose fat and especially belly fat then read this page very closefully because your frustrations will be over.

And it is my personal guarantee.

1)Traditional diets do not work.
It is plain simple you haven't failed your last diet. Your diet has failed to.
And this is no surprise with diets you can lose weight but this is all water and muscle weight within no time you get it all back.
What you need is an easy to follow step by step nutrition programm that is focusing on fat loss.

2)Stop waisting your money on fat burning pills.
You will not lose belly fat by taking a pill. Altough it sounds like a fast and easy method it has not worked for you and it will never work. Instead get access to dozens of higly effective natural fat burning foods.

3) Traditional ab exercises are not effective.
Traditional abs or flat stomach exercises such as crunches, sit-ups or abs machine are the least effective method to get rid of belly fat and to get a flat tummy fast. Really everyone is doing them and if they would realy work every women or girl who has a gym membership would like fit, slim, sexy and would have a sexy flat belly. You know better.

4) Long slow cardio won't do it either.
If you want to lose belly fat fast you will not reach your goals with long slow cardio workouts. It will burn some fat but you won't get the result you are looking for.There are unique workouts that produce 10 x better resulsts.

Ladies it's time to end the frustration with your body.
Click here to discover the secrets to burn stubborn belly fat and to get a sexy flat stomach.